Career Counseling

Career Counseling

Career Counseling and Labor Market Counseling Program

Orientum – Career Counselors has taken on the responsibility for the College Career Counseling and Career Guidance program for Pierce Students.

A Lyceum

  • The individual Career Guidance program for A Lyceum students includes meetings with Career Counselor, online tests HORIZON, PROFILER and MOTIVATOR, analysis of test results and completion of counseling. Parents can participate in this meeting, with the consent of the student.
  • Use of the digital application e-pamepanepistimio (there will be a seminar on how to use the application prior to this. You can find more details below).
  • Telephone Support will be available throughout the year for students and parents.

B Lyceum

  • Time Management Seminar: Goal setting, procrastination, prioritization of responsibilities, activities that take up our time, effective ways of studying.
  • Seminars on analysis of universities in each scientific field: Program of Studies for each Department, post graduate studies, alternative career paths, prospects in the job market.
  • Use of the digital application e-pamepanepistimio (there will be a seminar on how to use the application prior to this. You can find more details below).

C Lyceum

  • Use of the digital application e-pamepanepistimio (there will be a seminar on how to use the application prior to this. You can find more details below).
  • Seminars: training of students on the electronic application, browsing the app, computerized university admission application, presentation of computerized university admission application for each field, personal questions, filling out of computerized university admission application through the e-pamepanepistimio application.

Digital application e-pamepanepistimio

  • Easy access through smartphone, tablet or computer
  • Immediate updates about any change that takes place
  • “Ask a Career Counselor” service
  • Creation of a user friendly computerized university admission application
  • Software for comparing universities and calculating points for university admission
  • Study guides for all departments
  • Presentation of Post Graduate Programs
  • Alternative career paths for each department
  • Individualized answers on issues that concern the students
  • Educational News
  • Useful links

Καριέρα στο Pierce

Το Κολλέγιο στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του ταλέντου και τη μεγιστοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων των εργαζομένων του και, ταυτόχρονα, στην εξάλειψη των αθέλητων προκαταλήψεων, προδιαθέσεων και στερεοτύπων στο χώρο εργασίας.


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