The Kindergarten and Elementary School Counseling Department consists of three psychologists, a speech therapist, and an occupational therapist. The members of our Counseling Team systematically and comprehensively support the teachers in their work.
The Counseling Team's main concern is to promote students' emotional, social, and cognitive development. In collaboration with the teachers, they assist children in adapting smoothly to the classroom environment and organize experiential group activities inside and outside the classroom to strengthen relationships among children. They ensure the prevention and early detection of difficulties and develop targeted interventions tailored to the needs of individuals, groups of students, or entire classes. These interventions aim to develop skills essential for school adaptation, foster collaboration and teamwork, and create a climate of respect.
The team members also collaborate with teachers to design, develop, and implement Health Education programs. These programs, integrated with the curriculum for all grades, aim to develop skills and empower students, foster collaboration and inclusion, cultivate values and attitudes, promote self-care and protection, personal and social responsibility, acceptance of diversity, mutual respect, and intolerance towards any form of discrimination and violence.
Additionally, the team works with parents and guardians both individually, providing counseling support, and in groups, through educational activities on Health Education topics.
The team operates according to ethical and professional standards, ensuring the protection of students' and their families' personal data.
Team Members:
The Counseling Department of the Gymnasium collaborates with the Administration, teachers, and class and student community advisors in various ways: it organizes and implements programs for introductions, integration into class groups, and smooth collaboration within the school environment. It also prepares educational seminars aimed at preventing adolescent issues. Since adolescence is a sensitive period for both students and their parents, the main theme for action is selected each year based on input from the students themselves, which becomes the focus for the school community's work. At the same time, shorter and smaller-scale actions are carried out on prevention or intervention topics, where deemed necessary. Pierce makes every effort to provide substantial support to students and their families throughout the school year.
Adapting to the New School Environment: During the first weeks of September, the Counseling team meets with Grade 7 students by class to discuss "Adapting to the New School Environment." Mrs. Vasileiadi aims to meet all Gymnasium students and, as needed, designs experiential activities addressing emerging issues, with the goal of strengthening groups and facilitating better school integration.
The psychologist Ms. Vasileiadi conducts individual meetings with parents and students. She is scientifically responsible for evaluating each learning or psychological issue that arises and provides short-term therapeutic interventions. Her office serves as a source of support for students, parents, and teachers, aiming to foster a positive climate of collaboration that reflects the School’s child-centered pedagogical approach. Gymnasium students and their parents can meet with Ms. Vasileiadi privately by appointment.
Zinovia Vasileiadi
Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Phone: 210 600 9800, ext. 1183
The psychological service of the Lyceum and IB collaborates with the Administration, teachers, and class and student community advisors, designing ways to address the issues of students or specific groups of students. It also prepares educational seminars aimed at preventing adolescent issues. Pierce makes every effort to provide substantial support to students and their families throughout the school year.
Adapting to the New School Environment: During the first weeks of September, meetings are held:
Dr. Glinou, School Psychologist, conducts individual meetings with parents and students. She is scientifically responsible for the evaluation of any learning or psychological issue that arises and provides short-term therapeutic interventions. The school psychologist's office serves as a source of support for students, parents, and teachers. Its operation aims to foster a positive climate of collaboration, reflecting the School’s child-centered pedagogical approach. Lyceum and IB students, as well as their parents, can meet with Dr. Glinou privately at any time, by appointment.
Nektaria Glinou, Ph.D.
School Psychologist
210 600 9800, ext. 1031