School Bullying

School Bullying


At Pierce, bullying has no place.

Values such as respect for others, solidarity, empathy, and giving are at the heart of its philosophy. For this reason, the School addresses all forms of bullying with seriousness and strictness. At the same time, Pierce has incorporated initiatives and actions across all three educational levels, focusing on the prevention, management, and deterrence of such incidents.

Education on this complex issue takes place both inside and outside the classroom and involves everyone—students, educators, and parents. The goal is to establish a culture of respect through educational and awareness-raising activities, discouraging bullying behaviors before they even emerge.


School bullying or bullying refers to repeated and intentional aggressive behavior toward a student, resulting in them feeling fear or helplessness to respond.

What forms can it take?

School bullying can take various forms:

  • Physical: Hitting, pushing, or theft.
  • Verbal: Teasing, name-calling, or threats.
  • Social/Psychological: Exclusion, spreading rumors, or gossip.

Beyond the physical school environment, bullying can also occur online (cyberbullying) and manifest in the following ways:

  • Sending inappropriate or threatening messages.
  • Posting sensitive personal information, photos, or videos on social networks.
  • Creating fake profiles on social networks or hacking the child’s personal accounts.
  • Inciting others to engage in aggressive behavior against the child.

How can we recognize it?

Pay attention to those around you. If a student is often upset, scared, or isolated, it is likely they are experiencing bullying. Similarly, if you observe a student exerting violence or power over another without resistance, bullying may be occurring.


Καριέρα στο Pierce

Το Κολλέγιο στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του ταλέντου και τη μεγιστοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων των εργαζομένων του και, ταυτόχρονα, στην εξάλειψη των αθέλητων προκαταλήψεων, προδιαθέσεων και στερεοτύπων στο χώρο εργασίας.


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