The program for this school year will begin on Monday, September 30, 2024 and will end on the last day of the examination period in May – June 2025, on the day of each respective written exam.
We urge you to support e-tutoring and to encourage your children to take advantage of the program as much as possible. Our aim is to support our students’ learning.
In the context of the pilot program (2012 – 2013 school year) and its implementation over the next three school years (2013-14, 2014-15 και 2015-16), the e-tutors conducted two studies and collected a great deal of quantitative and qualitative data, which they used to write a scientific paper for an international journal, which was presented at conferences.
More specifically, the following publications have been issued:
- Doukakis, S., & Koutroumpa, C. (2013). A pilot e-tutoring program for students of secondary education, International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science, 12(1), 16-23.
- Doukakis, S., Koutroumpa, C., Chira, T., & Michalopoulou, G. (2013). A pilot e-tutoring program for first and second grade students of lower secondary education (Gymnasio). In A. Lionarakis (Ed.), 7th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning (Vol. 2, pp. 198–211). Athens: Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education.
- Doukakis, S., Koutroumpa, C., Despi, O., Raffa, E., Chira, T., & Michalopoulou, G. (2013). A case study of e-tutors’ training program. In 2th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). Antalya, Turkey: ieee. doi:10.1109/ITHET.2013.6671052
- Vakerlis, G., & Doukakis, S. (2014). The inclusion of e-tutoring programs in Greek education. The PIERCE e-tutoring online program. At the 6th Conference, Informatics in Education (6th CIE2014). Corfu.
- Doukakis, S., Chira, Th., Michalopoulou, G. & Koutroumba, K. (forthcoming in 2014). The inclusion of e-tutoring programs in Greek education. The case of the PIERCE e-tutoring online program. At the 5th International Conference, International and European Trends in Education: Their influence on the Greek educational System. Athens.
- Vakerlis, G. & Doukakis, S. (2014). PIERCE e-tutoring online program: A proposal for supporting students in a time of crisis. One-day conference on: Education in a time of crisis, March 22, 2014, The American College of Greece, Athens.
- Chira, D., Michalopoulou, G., Doukakis, S. & Kountroumba, K. (2014). PIERCE e-tutoring online program, 2nd conference: Academic Excellence and Talent, Innovative Practices in Personalized Learning, March 15, 2014.
- Vakerlis, G. & Doukakis, S. (2014). The inclusion of e-tutoring programs in Greek education. The PIERCE e-tutoring online program. In N. Alexandris, Ch. Douligeris, P. Vlamos & V. Belesiotis (Ed.). 6th Conference on Informatics in Education 2014, Computer Science in Education, (pgs. 680-689), Corfu.
- Doukakis, S., Vakerlis, G. & Michalopoulou, G. (2015). E-tutoring and a mixed training model for active teachers to take on the role of e-tutor. In V. Dagdilelis, A. Ladias, K. Bikos, E. Drenogianni & M. Tsitouridou (ed.). Minutes of the 4th Panhellenic Conference “Inclusion of Information Technologies in the Education Process,” Thessaloniki.