Other Scholarships

Other Scholarships

Every year Pierce offers partial scholarships that come from donations made by friends of the College. These scholarships may be yearly or may cover the total number of years of study and may have special criteria, such as origin or financial need.

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Partial Scholarships

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Frances Payne Bolton Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded periodically. The amount of the scholarship is determined according to the annual expenditures policy set by the Board of Trustees.

Purpose of the Scholarship

The Frances Payne Bolton Scholarship was established in 2012 through the generosity of an anonymous American donor. The scholarship offers aid to a promising PIERCE student facing financial difficulties.

Duration of Scholarship

The Frances Payne Bolton Scholarship provides a discount on tuition fees, the amount of which is determined according to the annual expenditures policy set by the Board of Trustees and which is calculated annually by the Business Office and reported to the Financial Aid Office. The discount is offered for the scholar’s entire period of studies at Pierce. A new scholar is selected only when the previous scholar has graduated.

Terms of Application for the Scholarship

To apply for the scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Meet all College entrance requirements.
  • Have proven low family income (taking into consideration both family and personal income and assets).
  • Demonstrate excellent academic performance.

In case more than one candidate meets the above requirements, the applicant with the lowest family income will be selected for the scholarship. Renewal of the scholarship is dependent upon the scholar’s continued high academic performance and excellent school behavior.

James Salas Scholarship

One or more scholarships awarded annually Award amount based on spending policy set by the Board of Trustees. Open to both entering and continuing students

Intent of the Award

This endowment scholarship was established in 2013 with a generous gift from the James Salas Estate and is intended for promising but financially challenged entering or continuing Pierce students from Greece.

Extent of the Award

The James Salas Scholarship provides tuition reduction based on the BOT designated annual spending policy, calculated by the Business Office and reported to the Financial Aid Office. Renewal of the award to the same recipient is possible as long as he/she continues to meet the eligibility requirements and there is a sufficient balance.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be considered, the applicant must:

For entering students:

  • Meet all requirements for admission to the College
  • Show academic promise
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Have a Greek nationality

For continuing students:

Have achieved a grade of 18 and above Demonstrate financial need Have a Greek nationality

Renewal of the scholarship is dependent upon the scholar’s continued high academic performance and excellent school behavior. Among equally qualified candidates, those demonstrating the greatest financial need will be selected.

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In case more than one candidate meets the above requirements, the applicant with the lowest family income will be selected for the scholarship. Renewal of the scholarship is dependent upon the scholar’s continued high academic performance and excellent school behavior.


Καριέρα στο Pierce

Το Κολλέγιο στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του ταλέντου και τη μεγιστοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων των εργαζομένων του και, ταυτόχρονα, στην εξάλειψη των αθέλητων προκαταλήψεων, προδιαθέσεων και στερεοτύπων στο χώρο εργασίας.


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