Student Awards

Student Awards

Λυκείου Σχ. Έτους 2023-2024

When they have completed their Lyceum studies, Pierce students that have taken an active part in student life have the opportunity to be honored for their activities and their contributions to the College. There are awards for academic achievement, participation in the Student Community, in clubs and other College institutions, competitions and championships in school or at other schools, activities and events. These students are honored at Award Night or at Commencement.

Awards Description

The President’s Award is an academic achievement award, given annually to the senior who graduates with the highest grade in English (which has special significance for Pierce), taking into consideration all six years of Pierce attendance.

The Academic Achievement Awards are given annually to the seniors who graduate with the highest C.I. (Valedictorian) and the second highest C.I. (Salutatorian), taking into consideration all three years of Pierce Lyceum attendance. IB DP Valedictorian is the graduate with the highest C.I. in IB DP exams. In the case of more than one Valedictorian with the same C.I., no Salutatorian is recognized.

The Minnie Mills Award was introduced by the Alumni Association in 1940, in honor of Minnie Mills, who served at the College from 1897 to 1941, as teacher and Principal. The award is given annually to a graduating senior who, throughout the period of his/her studies at Pierce, has demonstrated high academic achievement and excellent behavior, responsibility, cooperation with students and faculty, and contributed substantially to school life and student government.

The Koralia Krokodeilou Award was established unanimously by the Faculty in 1992 to honor Koralia Krokodeilou, who devoted herself wholeheartedly to the work of the School. She started working at the College in 1925 and, from 1958 until she retired in 1967, she was Dean of Students at Pierce. It is awarded to the senior that has distinguished him/herself for his/her multifaceted activities, enthusiasm and hard work within the free and creative spirit of the College.

The Olga E. Julius Award was established unanimously by the Faculty in 2017 to honor Olga E. Julius, who devoted herself wholeheartedly to the work of the School from 1975 to 2017, as an English teacher and Administrator. From 2003 until 2017 she served as Pierce Principal. It is awarded to the senior who, throughout his/her years of study at the College, he/she has demonstrated excellent conduct, leadership qualities paired with compassion, dynamism and courtesy, high academic performance in English and has distinguished himself/herself in school activities organized by the English Department, exemplifying the values of both Greek and American culture.

The Pierce International Baccalaureate Award was established by the Faculty in 2018. It is awarded to the student of IB2 who, throughout his/her studies at IBDP, has demonstrated excellent behavior and exemplified the qualities outlined in the IB Learner Profile: commitment and resilience, responsibility and action as a citizen of the world, creativity, balance and respect as a young man/woman who helps create a better and peaceful world.

The Flora Haniotou Award was established by the Alumni Association in 1990 to honor Flora Haniotou, who for decades was Director of the College Dormitory. It is awarded to the senior that has offered outstanding social service at school, through the Student Government.

The Harvard Prize Book is given annually to an outstanding B Lyceum student who displays excellence in scholarship and ethos, combined with achievement in other fields. The prize and the name of the recipient were approved by Harvard University. Pierce is the first school to award this prize in Greece.

The Smith Book Award is given to a female A or B Lyceum student who has demonstrated excellent academic performance, leadership qualities and interest in others, so that she is a model of student behavior and social contribution. Smith College has a history of over 100 years, is a College for Girls and is based in Massachusetts in the USA. The name of the student award recipient is proposed to and approved by Smith College.

The Greek Magazine (“Φωτεινές Ημέρες”) Award and the parallel English Magazine (“Sunny Days”) Award are given to the seniors who have distinguished themselves for their work on the publication of the magazine, have collaborated with faculty advisors in the process of collecting and selecting literary material, and have personally participated with both their artistic talent and with their demonstrated thoughtfulness through the writing of texts and generally the cultural life of the Student Community.

The Forensics Award is given to the senior who has participated in the Forensics Club and demonstrated outstanding dedication to the preparation and participation in the Panhellenic Forensics Tournament and has also distinguished him/herself at this tournament.

The MUN Award was established by the Faculty in 2018. It is awarded to the senior who has served in the Organizing Committee of the ACGMUN Conference, has been an active member of the MUN club, and participated in MUN Conferences where he/she has also distinguished him/herself. He/she cooperated with the MUN Advisors, displayed diligence, commitment, as well as outstanding leadership and organizational skills.

The Drama Club Award is given to the senior who has had a continuous and consistent presence in the Greek Drama Club, assuming many responsibilities and various duties, as well as participating in artistic programs and celebrations

The Minos Dounias Choir Award was established in memory of Minos Dounias, who was a brilliant musicologist and music teacher at the College from 1935 to 1962. It is given to the senior who has had a continuous and consistent presence in the College Choir and has contributed significantly to its work.

The Orchestra Award is given to the senior who has had  a continuous and consistent presence in the College Orchestra and has contributed significantly to its work.

The Artistic Contribution Award is given to the senior who has worked and distinguished him/herself in the School’s artistic events and programs.

The Athletics Award is given to the senior who has stood out for his/her ethos, sense of fair play and athletic spirit, and who has actively participated and had excellent performance in the College’s athletic activities as well as on teams that represent the School at various off-campus athletic competitions.

Finally, the Faculty awards Honorable Mentions to graduating seniors who took part in Panhellenic academic or athletic competitions and championships and, with their awards, honored our School, or who actively participated in Student Government, contributing to the common good and cooperated with School officials, as well as graduating seniors who took part in and distinguished themselves through school clubs or other activities and programs (e.g. School newspaper, Youth Parliament, Junior Achievement, Harvard Model Congress Europe, Model United Nations, European Youth Parliament, Ambassadors, etc.)


Καριέρα στο Pierce

Το Κολλέγιο στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του ταλέντου και τη μεγιστοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων των εργαζομένων του και, ταυτόχρονα, στην εξάλειψη των αθέλητων προκαταλήψεων, προδιαθέσεων και στερεοτύπων στο χώρο εργασίας.


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