Scholarships for Studies at Deree
For Pierce graduates who wish to continue their studies at Deree – The American College of Greece, there are discounts on tuition for their studies in various academic fields.
For Pierce graduates who wish to continue their studies at Deree – The American College of Greece, there are discounts on tuition for their studies in various academic fields.
The program provides a 50% reduction on tuition fees at Deree – The American College of Greece for Pierce graduates who have completed all three years of the Lyceum at Pierce and have settled all their financial obligations.
For bachelor degree-seeking students:
For certificate minor-seeking students or non-degree students:
Pierce graduates, based on their high school academic performance, proficiency in English, and overall profile (i.e. letter of recommendation, personal statement, personal interview, extracurricular activities, work experience and other factors) may be awarded a Deree Merit Scholarship from 20% to 40% tuition reduction. In such cases, their Pierce Affiliation reduction will be adjusted so that the total tuition reduction will amount to 50%.
No application procedure is required.
A Scholarship that is awarded periodically
100% discount on tuition fees
Available to Pierce graduates
The John S. Bailey Scholarship was established in 2001 by the Board of Trustees, the Alumni Association and friends of the American College of Greece in honor of former president Dr. John S. Bailey, who served the School in this position for a total of 33 years, from 1975 to 2008. The scholarship reflects Dr. Bailey’s belief that students who are academically promising but financially in need should have the opportunity to continue their studies at Deree.
The John S. Bailey Scholarship provides a 100% discount on tuition fees for the entire duration of the scholar’s studies. A new scholar is selected only when the previous scholar has graduated.
To be a candidate, the applicant must:
In case the candidates meet the same requirements, the candidate with the lowest family income will be selected for the scholarship.
To maintain the scholarship, the scholar will have to take at least 12 academic credits per continuous semesters, achieve an average Cumulative Index (CI) of 2.70/4.00 upon the completion of his/her second semester at the college and maintain this CI while receiving the award, the duration of which may not exceed the period of 9 continuous semesters.
One scholarship awarded annually, award amount based on spending policy set by the Board of Trustees
Open to both entering and continuing degree-seeking students; priority will be given to entering students
This endowment scholarship has been established by Lena G. Triantogianni a Pierce & Deree alumna and trustee of ACG in honor of her parents George and Paraskevi Triantogianni.
The George and Paraskevi Triantogianni Scholarship provides tuition reduction based on the BOT designated annual spending policy, calculated by the Business Office and reported to the Financial Aid Office. Renewal of the award to the same recipient is possible as long as he/she continues to meet the eligibility requirements and there is a sufficient balance.
In order to be considered, the applicant must:
For Entering Degree-seeking Students:
To continue receiving the award, the recipient must register for at least 2 courses (6 credits or more) per continuous semesters and achieve a CI of 3.5 or better by the end of the first semester of study. This CI (or higher) must be maintained while receiving the award, the duration of which may not exceed one academic year with the possibility of renewal (unless otherwise specified). In addition, the recipient must be in compliance with all College policies including the Student Conduct Code.
For Continuing Degree-seeking Students:
To continue receiving the award, the recipient must register for at least 2 courses (6 credits or more) per continuous semesters and maintain a CI of 3.5 or better while receiving the award the duration of which may not exceed one academic year with the possibility of renewal (unless otherwise specified).
Among equally qualified candidates, those demonstrating the greatest financial need will be selected.