International University Counseling

International University Counseling

The International University Counseling Office provides support to Pierce students and graduates and consults them on the application process to universities abroad. Its aim is to offer our students tailor made guidance whilst researching and applying to international universities.

Once the students settle on their choices and decide to begin the application process, our counselors provide a step by step action plan that allows them to clarify their tasks, fill the applications and write their personal statements in order to complete the application process. Furthermore, throughout the academic year informative presentations are held to both students, parents and guardians as well as international university visits that help our students research and select the appropriate university and course for them. Simultaneously, workshops offer students the opportunity to learn how to complete their applications to the UK, Netherlands and the U.S.A.

The International University Counseling Office aims to ensure that Pierce students are given all the necessary tools that will enable them to embark on their academic journey in higher education with success.

Mrs. Xenia Kalliora and Mrs. Rena Tzanos, International University Counselors, are at your disposal for further information at

International Universities Fair – Undergraduate Studies Abroad

Join our two-day recruiting event on our campus in Athens and help over Greek 1,600 students find their college or university match!

Monday-Tuesday, November 7-8 2022
Time: 15:30-21:00

Pierce – The American College of Greece is hosting an International Universities Fair, an exciting in-person event bringing together high-school students and admission counselors from institutions all over the world!

The fair will be a two-day event and offered live on our main campus in the beautiful suburb of Aghia Paraskevi, Athens. It will be open to our entire middle school and high school community, consisting of over 1,600 students, as well as other high schools and the general public.


Καριέρα στο Pierce

Το Κολλέγιο στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του ταλέντου και τη μεγιστοποίηση των δυνατοτήτων των εργαζομένων του και, ταυτόχρονα, στην εξάλειψη των αθέλητων προκαταλήψεων, προδιαθέσεων και στερεοτύπων στο χώρο εργασίας.


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