Computer Labs

In Pierce’s newly renovated wing, there are three new computer labs in operation. Each lab corresponds to modern educational requirements and is equipped with high-tech computers and a video projection system.  All of the computers are linked to a local network and students are trained beginning in the first Gymnasium classes to work in a network environment.

Two of the labs are used for the needs of the Computer Science lab class (Gymnasium and Lyceum). Each student works on his/her own at a computer when the teaching unit requires individual practice, and when the teaching unit is linked to team activities, students can work creatively in groups. Students become familiar with the use of software, safe surfing on the Internet and learn to utilize the endless sources of knowledge that it offers.

The third lab serves the teachers of all departments for alternative teaching methods with the use of educational software. This lab is available to students in the preparation of projects for their classes or for participation in European and international competitions.