4th Racecar Challenge
The 4th Racecar Challenge will be hosted by Pierce’s on Saturday, May 10, 2025, and will be transmitted online. The competition will be based on the codes the teams will have written as per the specifications of the miniRacecar course and submitted prior to the competition day, as well as the codes for an additional time trial they will write on site on the day of the competition. The competition will not require a physical car.
By May 5, 2025 all participating teams must have submitted their codes to Pierce.
Teams will be first ranked in function of their time at the 5 time-trials, individually and in total. The top 8 teams will then compete in pairs, and the winning 4 teams will compete again in pairs. The winning 2 teams will then compete in the final round, the winner of which will represent Greece at BWSI’s final competition.
For more information on the competition, please refer to the Competition Rules here.