4th Panhellenic Robotics Competition “Racecar Challenge”

May 10, 2025

in collaboration with the non-profit organization Mathisi Initiative, Pierce – The American College of Greece and the MIT Club of Greece

based on the middle-school racecar program Racecar Neo created by the Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The 4th Panhellenic Gymnasio Robotics competition Racecar Challenge, is a competition based on the online Racecar Neo course created by the Beaver Works Summer Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BWSI), a course to which BWSI is giving free access to any interested students in Greece. Mathisi Initiative is a non-profit organization which has been collaborating with BWSI since 2020, and this program is the result of the collaboration between Mathisi Initiative and BWSI, and between Mathisi Initiative, Pierce and the MIT Club of Greece.

Students in Greece who will have attended online BWSI’s autonomous racecar course Racecar Neo during the 2024-2025 school year and meet its completion requirements, will qualify to compete in a competition which will be organized and hosted by Pierce on May 10, 2025. Students who meet Racecar Neo’s completion requirements will receive a certificate of completion from BWSI.

The winner of the 4th Racecar Challenge will qualify to represent Greece in BWSI’s final racecar competition in the summer 2025 on MIT’s campus, and to attend the last week of BWSI’s program immediately preceding the final challenge, also on MIT campus (traveling and lodging costs are not covered by the organizers or BWSI).

More information about the course miniRACECAR HERE.