Financial Assistance

Need-based Financial Assistance

Every student who is studying or wants to study at Pierce may apply for financial assistance. Tuition reductions range from 5% to 35% and are awarded for the 3 years of Gymnasium or Lyceum. Recipients who are completing the Pierce Gymnasium and will be attending the Pierce Lyceum will need to reapply.

In order to ensure the proper execution of the Financial Assistance Program, every year a random sample of the recipients will be asked to reapply. The families of these recipients will be notified via email.

All applications are examined and evaluated by the Financial Assistance and Planning Office, which takes under consideration the family’s financial status, as well as other relevant information submitted, along with the student’s academic performance and conduct. Press here for Financial Assistance Application.

Sibling Benefit

In addition, Pierce offers tuition reductions to children from the same family who are concurrently enrolled at the school, as follows:

•    For families that have a second child studying at Pierce, there is a 5% tuition reduction for the older child and a discount of 50% on school bus fees.
•    For families that have a third child studying at Pierce, there is a 50% tuition reduction for the oldest child and a discount of 50% on school bus fees for the two older children.

Families qualifying for these reductions must submit a written statement to the Business Office (tel: 210 6009800 ext. 1114).